Language Proficiency Certificates

CELU - Certificate of Spanish: Language and Use

The Certificate of Spanish: Language and Use (in Spanish, CELU) is granted by the Interuniversity Consortium for the Teaching and Testing of Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language (in Spanish, ELSE), and it is recognized and approved by the Argentine Ministry of Education.  Foreign students who wish to study at the National University of Córdoba (in Spanish, UNC) must take the exam.

OnSET - German

OnSET is an online exam to assess the language proficiency in German, and it is valid for applying to scholarships of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The exam is free of charge for those who request one of these scholarships. 

Celpebras - Portuguese

The Certificate of Portuguese Language Proficiency for Foreigners is granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. It is the only official Brazilian certificate of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language.