Volver a la agenda 23/11/2017

Conferencia: What do Jorge Luis Borges and Bob Dylan Have in Common?: On the High Art of Folk Poetry


When a literary critic asked Borges why he had condescended to writing milongas, he answered “I have not condescended, I have elevated myself to them.” This response, along with the recent Nobel Literature Prize awarded to Bob Dylan, invites a reconsideration of the long-standing high/low divide between erudite literary and musical works and popular verbal arts and music. Drawing on performance theory, this lecture explores these hierarchical relationships and their inherent political ramifications, further probing canonical notions regarding communal sonorities and cultural literacy.

A cargo de Ana Cristina Cara, Ph.D., (Oberlin College, U.S.A)

Jueves 23 de noviembre, 18 h, aula 30, Facultad de Lenguas.
Actividad libre y gratuita. No requiere inscripción previa.

Organizan:  Maestría en Culturas y Literaturas Comparadas, Maestría en Lengua Inglesa, CIFAL, Facultad de Lenguas, UNC